My name is José, I'm from Spain, but i live in France, I'm a tourism and hospitality profesional, but i love music and discover the different cultures around the world.
I have one positive side: i like all kinds of music; and another negative: i never find a perfect song. It's just because of that that i create this website, with all its tops, to be sure i can find this perfect song all around the world.
I never give up, i know one day i will find it, and i will need all your help. What is the best song of all time for Spain, my country?, or for France, the country where i live now?, What is the best song of all time of your country?
The beginning
When i was just a little child, i was with the cassettes, i create thousands of this albums named "Jose's top" "summer 2000" or "best of 1997" that i think everyone made. But one day, i just start to called them "Top50world".
I create one "Top50world" about the favorites songs of my mother, another for my father, for my sister and i think for all my family. Then i start to sell them to my father's colleagues at work, and later to my friends in classroom.
My first blog
When i was at the institute, i start to surf on internet and a had the brilliant idea of the creation of a blog about my Top50world and let it know to the rest of the world.
I start to have some visitors, and they comment my songs ( it was a really chock to me), i receive comments like: what is this fake top? it is your best song, really? The worst top on the world! etc, etc.
Another visitors, nevertheless, give me some propositions, and i start to realize that there is an infinitive number of songs that i don't know yet.
Top50world on the world
It was time so to go visit the other countries, France, Italy, United Kingdom... i remember it was wonderful, and i learned a lot.
I decided to create the Top50world of every single country on the world... Ouff, it was not easy!!! i was confused, my knowledge was obsolete and i didn't know how to put all this countries without lost the list. I needed a new website.
People like it?
The visits was growing and growing, people let me comments about their favorite music and songs around the world, they ask me to add on the top their favorite singer or groups, and, i had one OH MY GOODNESS!!!:
One person who participates on Eurovision ask me to promote her and let people know her music and voice.
A sad period
It was so hard for me, i had no choice, i was alone on the website and every people asked me a lot of things that i cannot answer because of the time and my prive life.
Between 3 years, i forget it, i didn't visit the top even for a day, i lost all contacts and people forget my top. It was the end?
The beginning of the new Top50world
One of my college seen the website, and ask me, you have that and you don't use it?, he help me to find people to help me, we create a Facebook page, twitter, and youtube. We create a logo for the image of the website and we starts again.
Now, we are a family, it's not my top, it's our top, because we make it together, because you help me to find the best song of Spain, the best song of France, of the United Kingdom, of USA, of China or the best song of Mexico; because you help me to find the best song ever on the world.
Come together and let's known the best song of the world.