
  • Propose your song

    We want to simplify our website and allow you to discover it easier, for that, we are trying to give you a dynamic navigation. ¿Do you think to know the best song of your country or any other? You have two options

    -You can sent us your proposal in the form that you can check after this entry
    -You can sent us your proposal to top50world@hotmail.com

    When we receive your proposal, we will publish it. You can find it in the country you ask for (direct link on the sidebar of the welcome page). Don't forget to vote for it, or propose for any other country!!!

    1. It's an amazing post designed for all the internet people; they will take advantage from it I am sure. google mail sign in

      1. Thank you very much for your support Olivier! We are waiting to hear about you


    Let here your opinion!!!!